


退伍军人法案 & 军事地位

州长的军事 & 老兵友好校园

  • 全球最大赌博365网站 is approved for the training of VA students and certifies 根据要求将学生的入学情况提交给相应的VA地区办事处. 的GSU 退伍军人服务办公室,位于格兰布林大厅,注册办公室,18室, coordinates services to all veterans, dependents, guardsmen, and reservists attending 有资格享受退伍军人福利的班级. 所有在GSU注册的老兵 who is eligible for VA educational 好处 should notify the GSU Veterans Affairs 办公室,当他/她希望获得认证. GSU退伍军人事务办公室目前 由一名退伍军人认证官员负责.




新学生 您的第一步是在GI法案®网站上申请您的教育福利 (http://www.vets.Administration/教育/退伍军人权利法》)使用 退伍军人网上申请程序(VONAPP). If you prefer, download and complete a paper application and submit it to the 注册商’s 办公室(VA表格22-1990 退伍军人, VA表格22-5490 受养人或 VA表格22-1990 (9/11事件后的权利转让). 同时提交纸质申请 提供你的简历复印件.O.B.预备役军人基本资格通知书及其副本 任何踢球者. 一旦获得处理办公室的批准,您将收到您的证书 的资格. 此证书的副本将需要发送到VA认证 官方. 然后一个 VA学期福利表 will need to be completed and submitted to the 注册商’s 办公室 before payments 可以开始.
持续的学生 如果你继续上学期的课程,完成GSU VA学期福利表 并提交给退伍军人管理局的认证官员.
转学 你 will need to submit all transcripts from previous universities along with a copy 你的资格证书.  然后一个 VA学期福利表 will need to be completed and submitted to the 注册商’s 办公室 before payments 可以开始.


我们需要您的资格证书副本,以便继续处理. 你 must certify your attendance EVERY MONTH with the VA for Chapters 30 and 1606 only. 你 can either call the office in Muskogee, OK, at 1-877-823-2378 or certify online at eBenefits. Other VA information can be obtained by contacting the VA Regional 办公室 in Oklahoma (1-888-442-4551).


  1. 授予学分/成绩
    1. choosing to take the grade of “W” in all courses in which the student is officially enrolled; or
    2. requesting with the concurrence of the instructors of the affected courses in which 学生被正式录取,在部分或全部科目上取得不完整的成绩 这些课程. 学生们受到警告,长时间缺课可能会影响他们的学习能力 完成所要求的课程以取消不完整的成绩. 学生 may choose to take the grade of “W” in some courses and request the grade of incomplete (经讲师同意)在其他课程.
    1. choosing to take the grade of “W” in all courses in which the student is officially enrolled; or
    2. requesting, with the concurrence of the instructors of the affected courses in which 学生被正式录取,在部分或全部科目上取得不完整的成绩 这些课程. 学生可以选择在某些课程中取得“W”的成绩 request the grade of incomplete (经讲师同意)在其他课程; or
    3. requesting, with the concurrence of the instructors of the affected courses in which 这个学生被正式录取了, to receive a final grade in some or all of his courses based upon the student’s work in the courses up to the date of mobilization/activation. 学生 may request incomplete grades (with the concurrence of course instructors) in some courses, choose the grade of “W” in some courses, and request final grades based on coursework completed (with the concurrence of course instructors) in some courses; or
    4. requesting, with concurrence of the instructors of the affected courses in which the student is officially enrolled, to take an early final examination in some courses 以便指导老师决定学生的最终课程成绩. 的 student may request in some courses (with the concurrence of the course instructors) to: receive a final grade based upon coursework prior to the date mobilization/ activation, request incomplete grades, choose the grade of “W”, and request early final exams.
  2. Mobilization/Activation during the first fourteen (14) class days of a regular semester [seven (7) days for summer sessions] will result in the complete withdrawal of the 来自大学的学生,没有受到处罚,没有受到惩罚.
  3. Mobilization/Activation during the 期 between the fifteenth (15th) class day [eight (8th) class day for summer sessions] and the last day to withdraw from classes with a grade of “W” will result in the awarding of the grade of “W” in all classes in which 这个学生被正式录取了.
  4. Mobilization/Activation during the 期 between the next class day after the last day to withdraw from classes with a grade of “W” and approximately one (1) to two (2) weeks [five (5) to ten (10) class days] prior to the end of a regular semester [three (3) to six (6) class days for a summer session] will result in the 学生:
  5. Mobilization/Activation during the last five (5) to ten (10) class days of a regular semester [three (3) to six (6) class days for a summer session] will result in the 学生:
  6. 清除不完整等级的时限: If the mobilized/activated student requests (with the concurrence of the course instructors involved) incomplete grades in all or some of the courses in which he/she is officially registered, the student shall have no longer than one year after conclusion of the involuntary term of active duty to meet with university officials and work out a timetable 用于删除不完整等级.
  7. 重新入学时的学术状况: When students whose higher education academic careers are interrupted by mobilization/ activation reenroll in the same institution within one year of completing their involuntary term of active service, the university will make every possible effort to place these students back into their academic studies track as close as possible to the same place 当被动员/激活时,学生占据. 正常的再入学申请 这些学生将免交学费. 这将允许学生继续他们的 尽可能少地中断学术研究.


州受抚养豁免(Title 29)

这项福利为某些退伍军人的家属提供教育援助 路易斯安那州;

  • Children and surviving spouses of veterans who died in service in the Armed Forces 美国的 or died of a service connected disability incurred during a wartime 期.
  • Children of living veterans who are rated 90% or above disabled, including 100% individual 失业率,由美国.S. 退伍军人事务部"残疾评定表" as a result of a disability or disabilities incurred in service in the Armed Forces 美国的.
  • 符合条件的学生免交学费和学校规定的费用. Student-imposed 费用不获豁免.

For more information or to apply for Title 29 contact your local Parish Veterans Service 办公室 .

Eligible students will receive a Fee Exemption Certificate from the Louisiana Department 退伍军人事务主任. 你 must submit the original certificate to the 办公室 of 金融援助 receive the 豁免.



  • 退伍军人事务部教育福利代表-联络员
    Corey Pruitt(注册办公室,VA学校认证官员
    电话:318 -274-2610
    电子邮件:  pruittc@e-staffsharing.com
    通讯地址:P.O. 洛杉矶格兰布林589号信箱,邮编71245
    地址:100 Founders, Grambling Hall, Suite 18~ Grambling, LA 71245
  • 路易斯安那州退伍军人事务部
    电子邮件:  veteran@la.政府
    通讯地址:P.O. 94095号盒子~巴吞鲁日,LA 70804
  • Earnestine弗莱明 (LaVetCorp领航员校园代表)
    电子邮件:  earnestine.fleming@la.政府
    实际地址:Jacob T. 斯图尔特,321室-格兰布林,洛杉矶71245

Gl Bill®是美国的注册商标.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA). More information about education 好处 offered by VA is available at the official U.S. 政府网站: http://www.benefits.va.Administration / gibill."
